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Manage every funding stream from TEC in one system

SELMA SIS generates Single Data Return (SDR) files with advanced validation, allowing users to resolve errors within the system before submitting data directly to TEC via API. It integrates with the Industry Training Register for reporting work-based and apprenticeship data, and conveniently produces TEC reports in the correct format, ready for upload to DXP.

Single Data Return (SDR)

Generate the single data return files including advanced validation of the files in SELMA prior to submitting and submit the data via API directly to DXP. SELMA SIS has integrated error management and allows the user to resolve all errors within the system before submitting data to TEC.

Validate With Ease

Industry Training Register (ITR)

Integrate with the industry training register and report your work based and apprenticeship data to TEC

Integrate Now
apprenticeship education


SELMA SIS conveniently generates the relevant TEC reports in the correct format ready to upload to DXP.

Make It Easy

Take the Admin out of Your Curriculum

SELMA SIS automates the tedious tasks that can take up the bulk of an educators time,
freeing them up to focus on what really matters; their students.

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